

Hofer Group S.r.l.
Plan da la Sia, 9
I-39047 S. Cristina
Val Gardena

Tel. 0471 793445
Fax 0471 793550

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Capitale sociale 100.000 euro interamente versato.


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Agenzia Web Alto Adige


All the content of the site (text, images, etc.) unless it is not otherwise stated, is copyright of the respective authors.

© Photo: Hofer Group, © Hannes Niederkofler, © Andrea Zanchi Photography, © Manuel Kottersteger, © Günter Richard Wett, © Chris Eichhorn, © Visciani Photography, © Alex Filz, © Alex Moling, © Andreas Tauber © Mattia Rizzi, © Handle Creativ - Innsbruck

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